One month after the recent World of Warcraft Honorbuddy Ban Wave, Riot strikes as well, posting beforehand, with an ongoing League of Legends ban wave against cheaters as of today. Pretty much everything was targeted, such as drop hacks, scripting and bots. As per always, there will be lucky players who managed to dodge this bullet even tho they’ve used the hacks as well, and as always, if you’re one of the lucky ones, please stop using these tools or you’ll end up banned, eventually.

It seems that the predominant suspension has been a permanent ban, and as far as regions go, there weren’t too many exceptions, even though the predominant one seems to be EUW.

league of legends ban wave

Some users of the BotOfLegends forum have made this topic here where they are gathering information on the players who have been affected by the current LoL ban wave. Even though some users assume it was the actual Bot of Legends itself that has been targeted, lots of other players who were using different bots or scripts were banned as well, so there isn’t anything to pin-point or make a pattern of just yet.

The ban message received by the affected players looks like this:

Actions that have been performed on your account are in violation of the League of Legends Terms of Use. You can review these terms at

Due to the severity of this violation, your League of Legends account has been banned until Sun Feb 22 22:22:22 UTC 2201

If you have any questions, contact our Player Support team at

As with every ban wave, this could also mean that this might be the end for certain bots or hacks, meaning could be detected as of now and even instantly banned by the system upon start, so once again, if you value your account, you should stop using any bots or hacks at all, especially for the time being, since players of all kinds got permanently banned together, even if some had no previous record nor were ever toxic (according to the BotOfLegends forum), so a temporary suspension might be out of question even if you were a legitimate player and just used any of the previous tools for the first time.


This is what we have so far on the current League of Legends ban wave. If we find out more information, we will keep you posted in this very same article. If you have any details yourself, or you’d like to say something on the matter, please feel free to drop a comment. And don’t forget – you’re innocent until proven guilty, and we are always here to help! 🙂